Wednesday, 3 June 2009
1am blues...
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Spring Awakening
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Hats and Crazy Horses!!

I've been strolling through the north laine (and that not a spelling error) a lot, which are fulled with every kind of shop you can image. There this one shop called "Snoopers paradise" which is just full of second hand "stuff" and not just any "stuff" awesome "stuff" radical "stuff" and even retro "Stuff". You could dress you whole house with Snoopers "stuff" and your your-self. And it also were I found the best thing ever.... my £1 hat. Oh I love my one pound hat. Everything else is a blur except my £1 hat. I am officially obsessed with my £1 hat. Just thinking about my £1 hat gets me excited...but not in a creepy way...but even still I love my £1 hat!!!
Oh the eccentrics, as Rowen says, every type you can imagine. Big hair, bright hair, spiked hair, slick hair, tight jeans, bagging jeans, striped, poke-a-dotted, multi colored jeans, emos, skaters, goths, pucks, hipsters and of all ages and races, and all smushed into the town of Brighton. And that's only a small dent into the styles of Brighton.
The other night I went out with Rowen and two of her friend, Damion and Neal, to The Interstella Circus. With cup of soup in hand I was hoping for a good show. But with the entrance of the MC and his bad poetry I was ready to hide in my cup, I suppose thats because he wasn't much of a master....of anything really. Some of the individual act raised me from my cup, but the compere was not the ideal gel to stick it all together, he was more like school PVA glue, watery and makes one hell of a mess. I
found I was enjoying the acrobatics the most with genuine cheers coming from my mouth. With a bit more variety and some different glue they would have a great show. But this was my introduction to a tacky sea side circus and I enjoyed every minute of it. All but the woman who sung a song about crazy horses who sounded like a horse which left us buzzing red crosses "Britten's got talent" style.
I have enjoyed my time in Brighton and I'm sad its coming to an end but I will definitely be back for more of the Brighton experience. And who knows I might find a new £1 hat!!!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Great Escape
My first weekend in Brighton (without my mum and sister) when extremely well with a long evening of bands at the Great Escape Festival. I party hard with Rowen and Antz watching several different upcoming bands.
Starting off with two bands from (ironically) New Zealand. Boom Boom Echo and Die Die Die two punk bands bent on being as loud as possible, not really my cup of tea...
Now I suppose you have to take the good with the bad because what came next was a shock to the system. Mothlite. Picture four guys: 2 on keyboard type things, 1 with what looked to be an old tape recorder and the other with a mic, tambourine and 2 drums and all four playing different songs at once. Oh the sounds of electronic post rock sound (whatever that relay is?). There opening number called "jungle sound" was a combination of beeps, bang and several other strange sounds, that did not remind me of any jungle I've been to. Although in saying that it was a laugh to watch. The guy with the tape recorder was the spitting image of a child from a frog and a zombie. And the singing complained that the sound was just not quite loud enough sending Antz into an out burst of laughter.
After a bite to eat we headed over to the Prince Albert, a pub in the North Laine, to hear a band called the Woodpigeons. Unfortunately we were crammed in a small room on the second floor and almost died from the extreme heat so we headed out side to catch a breather instead. Out side I picked up a glow stick after donating to make a wish foundation. How could my evening get any better, glow sticks rock!! Armed with a glow stick we headed back to were the Mechanical Bride played to see something very different.
Thomas Truax playing his Sister Spinster, Hornicator and Stringaling (WHAT?) to make the most absurd music I've ever heard, and that is no way near a bad thing. Singing songs to from the films of David Lynch it was the best way to finish the evening. "These a full moon over wow town to nightttttttttt!!!" Although it was not the end there was more to come....
We arrive at a house party of some of Rowen and Antz friends were I was subjected to the festive activity of drunken parents taking full advantage of there night off which was quite a laugh. Although being asked multiple times what kind of music I was in to dose get a tad tedious. Someone even thought I was Rowen and Antz son HAHA!!! We still don't know who it was worst for.
A late night but a good one, makes me wonder what else Brighton has to offer.
Monday, 18 May 2009
And so the blogging begins
I've heard that when you have a diary (or in this day and age a blog) you can live every moment three times: once in the moment, once writing the moment and once rereading the moment. In this we can relive moments of great joy over and over. In saying this I have never been good at recoding anything, the last attempt at keeping a diary only lasted a week, it just comes down to the point of "can I actuality be bothered?" followed by the short answer "No...." But in saying this I will try my hardest and will fight with every fiber in my body to keep this blog. Oh this all sounds so dramatic! Ha!
The point of this blog: to document my travels and express my feelings on the world around me, places, theatre, restaurants books and blar blar blar. Just like every other blog out there. But the big question is..
How long will it last?!!?!?